"To embody the vision of Keren Hayesod is a privilege” – Elie Wiesel - 100 Heartbeats - Keren Hayesod

World leaders express admiration for Keren Hayesod’s work, from its establishment and until today

Keren Hayesod has always enjoyed support and warm words from the world’s greatest leaders. Already in 1922, US President Warren Harding conveyed his greetings to the organization. President Franklin Roosevelt sent a warm letter on the occasion of Keren Hayesod’s 15th anniversary, and presidents and heads of state from throughout the world have continued to publicly express their admiration for Keren Hayesod. In 2002, former American president Bill Clinton spoke at the opening conference of the Geneva Campaign, at which over $1 million was raised. Among other things, President Clinton said: “As part of Keren Hayesod, each one of you can be proud of your share in the development of Israel. Keren Hayesod helps the Jewish people in Israel and around the world to build on its splendid past and to build a shining future together”.

Photo: President Bill Clinton and Sofia Loren, Geneva, 2002