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Keren Hayesod – six key values

Keren Hayesod – six key values

What are the core values of Keren Hayesod that have accompanied it for the past 100 years and are more relevant than ever today? What kind of organization is Keren Hayesod and what is the basis of the intensive, meaningful and deep connection between hundreds of thousands of Jews and the organization?
These are the shared values that guide our activities:
Israel – Zionist – Jewish: The commitment to the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people lies at the heart of Keren Hayesod’s activities. Keren Hayesod was founded to help realize the Zionist vision of establishing a home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, and its work is based on the principle of mutual responsibility among Jews throughout the world.
Reliable – transparent – professional: Keren Hayesod enables effective and influential philanthropy on behalf of Israel, based on professional knowledge, experience, transparency and the duty of trust towards the donor.
Historic – experienced – established: Keren Hayesod was founded 100 years ago and played a central role in the fulfilment of the Zionist vision even before the establishment of the state. Since 1948 and until today, it has been at the forefront of Zionist activity. Keren Hayesod is deeply rooted in the story of the Jewish people in modern times.
International – global – family: Keren Hayesod represents a strong international network of mutual assistance that connects Jews and Friends of Israel throughout the world. Keren Hayesod donors, leadership, staff and beneficiaries are all part of the Keren Hayesod family, who support and help each other, and work together to promote shared goals.
Inspiration – vision: Keren Hayesod enables its supporters to take part in realizing an inspiring vision for Israel, its residents and the Jewish people and encourages them to play a meaningful role in the continued fulfilment of this vision, for the sake of a better future.
Effective – strategic: Keren Hayesod’s activities are designed to create a real and meaningful impact that leads to effective, long-term change through the donations it receives from its supporters. It achieves this by carefully choosing its strategic partners and the projects that it funds. These projects are also meticulously executed. Keren Hayesod is always at the forefront of relevant activity in the fields in which it is involved and directs its actions to the most important and urgent needs of the Jewish people.