55 Archives - 100 Heartbeats - Keren Hayesod

Already in its first years, Keren Hayesod reaches the ends of the earth!

1924, brochure published by the Keren Hayesod office in Shanghai, with details of donations

The 1920s. Keren Hayesod is active in Europe, the USA, Canada and South America and also initiates activities in more remote and hard-to-reach countries. Keren Hayesod emissaries can be found in Arab countries, North Africa and Asia. There are three emissaries in Singapore, eight in India, six in Iraq and four in China, for example. They work doggedly and with great energy to recruit investments and donations. The offices in the various countries periodically publish news items, brochures and reports that document the emissaries’ broad-ranging activities. Special emphasis is placed on details of the significant sums of money collected, as can be seen, for example, in the 14-page brochure published by the Shanghai office in July 1924. Keren Hayesod’s worldwide activities, which began in the 1920s, continue to this day in 60 Jewish communities in 40 different countries.

Photo: Brochure published by the Keren Hayesod office in Shanghai, with details of donations, 1924