"To embody the vision of Keren Hayesod is a privilege” – Elie Wiesel - 100 Heartbeats - Keren Hayesod

Keren Hayesod supports settlement in the Land of Israel and helps establish Jezreel Valley communities

Over 20 Jewish settlements were established within a few years in the 1920s at the foot of the breathtaking hills of the Jezreel Valley, under the burning sun, on agricultural land that was almost impossible to cultivate and in disease- and mosquito[1]ridden swamps amidst dozens of Arab villages. When Keren Hayesod was founded, it was clear that resources needed to be invested in strengthening agricultural settlements. Despite the inadequate water systems and difficult living conditions, the Jezreel Valley pioneers succeeded in casting roots in the area with the support of Keren Hayesod. 23 settlements were subsequently established in the Hefer Valley and in other locations throughout the Land of Israel. Between 1932 and 1939, the number of kibbutzim and moshavim increased from 37 to 134. By 1960, Keren Hayesod had helped set up some 900 settlements, proving that it is indeed possible to make the desert bloom.

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Photo: Call to the people of Israel to strengthen the rescue forces, broaden assistance to the settlement enterprise, and increase volunteer work with Keren Hayesod. 1932, Jezreel Valley